Pig Pics LIVE!

Hi! I'm Jake!
After answering an on-line ad, suddenly I was making #PigPics in front of a live audience- and my improv pals were acting them out! The #pigpics disease is spreading.


Pig Pics are crude.  If you keep reading this blog entry, you will see crudely drawn animals doing crudely inappropriate things.  Instead of reading this entry and viewing this garbage, go do something else.
If you disregard this warning, and then get mad at these pictures, then that is because you don't know how warnings work.  Warnings mean stay away!
Enough oinking. Enjoy the following Pig Pics.


Just about every Thursday, Austin's Hideout Theater does their Free Fringe, an experimental improv show.

"I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the Austin improv scene is bursting with creativity. There are hundreds of performers, and every single one of them is prone to saying things like 'Wouldn’t it be crazy if…?' or 'I just had the most insane idea.' This is where those dreams go, not to die, but to live gloriously on the stage for one night only." -  http://www.hideouttheatre.com/



JESSICA ARJET: Would you be willing/able to put up your "Wackado" Crude Animal Drawing Stories with Jake" Show in the free fringe?
ME: "Can't wait to do this!"

For brevity, branding, and announcement purposes, I have renamed "Wackadoo Crude Animal Drawing Stories With Jake" to "#PigPics LIVE."


The Pig Pic Chicks include:
Rebecca Blue Velvet
Roanna Flowers
Callie Sharon
Leanne Stott
and Mason Pitluk

NOTE: I am not a Pig Pic chick.  I am the Pig Pic Master!

BACK: Leanne Stott, Callie Sharon
FRONT: Rebecca Blue Velvet, Roanna Flowers, Jake Sharon

BACK: Callie Sharon, Leanne Stott, Mason Pitluk (finally)
MIDDLE: Rebecca Blue Velvet, Roanna Flowers
FRONT: Jake Sharon


We had to discuss a strategy.  So, two days before the big show, we met for coffee at Dominican Joe's. It took a while to find a table there so we spent a lot of time just doing that.

Then, the night of the show, we met at Callie's and my apartment and goofed around a little. After all this preparation, we were ready to go.

The Hideout Theater's Free Fringe explodes in their upstairs theater. It was packed.  It was hot and sweaty.  Pig Pics Live was the first act.  We burst onto the stage.  I introduced the Pig Pics Chicks.  

i asked the crowd for suggestions to inspire the #pigpics such as:

  • their favorite animals
  • a location
  • a problem of theirs that we could solve
  • activities you could do with a horse

After each suggestion, the Pig Pics Chicks would burst into action acting out whatever challenge they received from the audience.  

meanwhile, i furiously scribbled out a pig pic that related to whatever the pig pic chicks were doing.

then, the pig pic chicks described what they saw in the pig pic.

then, i walked into the crowd and handed the pig pic to whomever yelled out the suggestion for that pig pic.

Because I have a tendency to be a little disorganized, and because I couldn't always tell who yelled out what, a couple people got more than one pig pic and most people didn't get any pig pics. One person actually complained about that.  Oops!  It's a free show!


after the show, some of the people who got #pigpics let me take pictures of their #pigpics. thanks!  i mean after all, i did make them!

"Brewing Make Drank"

This guy looks like he is also drank.

"Diggging Advice"
Yep.  3 Gs.
So what?  Your Pig Pics only got 2 Gs? Lame.

Abigail holding "Diggging Advice"

This pig is hockeying some turds and making some turds.

He is drank too.

"Horseriding Pig"
The pig is pooping on the horse's back.
Plus, the horse, Juniper, has a large dick.

This lady is too embarrassed to be seen
with her pig pic.
Mason Pitluk is not.

"Penis Apples"

Hey! This lady already got a pig pic!
So why is she embarrassed again?
I can see through her shirt. 
"The Mall"

Hey!  Abigail got 2 Pig Pics! No fair!

the next two ladies complained because they didn't have any #pigpics.  so, after the show, i handcrafted them each their own special pig pic.  

then, they were too embarrassed to show their faces.

"Possum Awesome"

Too embarrassed to be seen with "Possum Awesome."

"Shet for Brainz"
This robot dispenses shit from his head.
His bottom is a pig's head.

Too embarrassed to be seen with "Shet for Brainz"

FRONT: these ladies were just hiding. But now they are not.
ART: "Shet for Brainz" and "Possum Awesome."
BACK: Mason Pitluk, Pig Pic Chick/ Photobomber.


This was fun.